I struggled a lot with this project because I wanted to explore sculpture through a painterly way but all of my ideas weren't very good and I  couldn't find any materials I found interesting enough and so after many times of trying to create a sculpture I thought I would return to painting but try and make it more of a sculpture. I took an old mirror and old canvas and I hot glued the canvas onto the mirror to mimic the traditional canvas and frame combination but I wanted to leave slivers of the mirror within the canvas that was on top of it because it's interesting to think about the idea of taking an object and removing it from its function then wondering if it still classifies as that object. I  was using a mirror but was it still a mirror if it is covered? I also took an old canvas bag and painted on it  and then attached it to the canvas that was on top of the mirror so that it was layered and then I decided to break the frame in a sense by moving the canvas around the corner. I then cut more slivers into the mirror that weren't as obvious that way you would look at it and just keep moving because there wasn't much visual interest but when you take time to really look at the piece you are able to see the layers that are behind the canvas and what that could imply. There were also a few wires that I decided to put into one of the cuts because it looked like a vagina and i thought that would be interesting to comment on by adding these rough metal objects randomly. When you look into the main hole on the mirror (the one that resembles a vagina) you see yourself moving behind in the mirror so it's kind of like you expect to see something other than yourself when you look at art but in this case you become part of the piece and then that opens the door to dialogue.
